Important Differences Between SEO and SEM

Though both may be integral parts of the Search Engine cosmos, there still are huge differences between SEO and SEM in terms of features and the way in which they get implemented. Many have said that SEO India is a part or a division of SEM India. SEO envelopes factors such as meta tags, keywords and their density, titles and HTML coding where as SEM encompasses factors such as search engine submissions, directory submissions, paid inclusions and certain others. SEO might involve optimizing the website making use of all methods available at the disposal where as SEM would include extensive use of marketing methodologies used for marketing any entity over the web. SEO can be said to be a division out of many divisions of SEM as it is basically carried out to enhance the brand equity and presence of that product.

Some of the methods that are used in practicing SEO include use of HTML and XML maps with some of the advanced measures being usage of XML Sitemaps and plain text files with URL names. SEM as a whole process includes many other features such as Pay per Click Advertising and Pay for Inclusion. These two methods help in having the marketing campaigns done quite belligerently and help in incorporating paid for listing. These paid for listings are a very effective way of drawing in user traffic and also a tested way of bringing in more crowds.

SEM is one of the most famous and renowned methods of internet marketing where the entity can be marketed through a barrage of methods where as SEO happens to be one of the most charismatic and efficient methods of optimizing websites. All the features that go into optimizing the website are very organic and ethical and represent the finest quality of authenticity. SEO ensures that when the user types in the necessary keyword, the website comes up in the first page of the search result pages within no time. SEM ensures that when the user searches for the concerned service over the web, then the portal promoting it is one of the first ones that come up.

The commonality with both is that be it optimization or be it internet marketing, both are done quite beautifully and quite efficiently at all the right kind of forums. These special places are the ones that draw maximum traffic and the personnel working on both processes ensure that they get covered quite well.

SEO is certainly but a part of SERM but has an identity of its own. It does not get equated with anything and its value is unparalleled. It can be firmly said that without SEO, SEM would be incomplete. SEM certainly covers a wider cosmos or area but having mentioned that, it is not as if SEO is any less. Websites can only achieve a better ranking through SEO Services and without it, the websites will have to go an eat cake. Both have their own space and both are imperative for betterment of the sites.

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